103 Things to Do Before/During/After Reading

By: Jim Burke (1998)

  1. Pantomime Act out a scene you choose or the class calls out to you while up there.
  2. Dramatic monologue Create a monologue for a character in a scene. What are they thinking/feeling at that moment? Why?
  3. Dramatic monologue Create a monologue for a character while they are out of the book. Where are they? Why? What are they thinking?
  4. Business card Book Write the story in the most compelling way you can on paper the size of a business card.
  5. Postcard Write to a friend, the author, or to a character about this book. Write as if you were the character or author and write to yourself.
  6. Mapmaker Draw a map of the book's setting.
  7. Moviemaker Write a one page "pitch" to a producer explaining why the story would or would not make a great movie.
  8. Trailer Movie previews always offer a quick sequence of the best moments that make us want to watch it – storyboard or narrate the scenes for your trailer. Focus on verbs.
  9. Billboard As in the movies, take what seems the most compelling image(s) and create an ad.
  10. Adjective-itis Pick five adjectives for the book or character(s), and explain how they apply.
read all 103 things here

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